iFLOW Technology for
INERGEN Gas Suppression Design
iFLOW valve technology is an innovative gas suppression system designed to use 300 bar cylinders whilst limiting discharge pressures into the manifold. Therefore, fire gas suppression designs that include iFLOW Technology typically incorporate INERGEN (IG-541) as the suppression agent. Many INERGEN system design specifics apply to iFLOW System Designs.

iFLOW utilises higher pressure cylinders and lower pressure pipework; this allows for compact storage of the agent, requiring less space. Therefore, fires system designers can consider smaller gauge manifolds and related pipework, resulting in cheaper overall costs.
A gas fire system design is considered successful when the protected space is occupied when the agent is activated, without harming occupants health, meanwhile reducing the oxygen content within an area to a point where a fire is suppressed.
With years of experience successfully designing and specifying compliant gas fire suppression systems, Fire Systems Products are the perfect partner for your gas suppression projects. In addition, as a market-leading fire systems and products supplier to the fire industry for many years. Therefore, Fire Systems Products can provide impartial advice on the right gaseous fire suppression system design for your projects.
iFLOW Technology protects many applications, including:
- Air traffic control towers
- Archives
- Art galleries
- Clean manufacturing
- Computer rooms
- Cultural/historical site
- Data centres
- Health care facilities
- Libraries
- Machinery spaces
- Mass transit control rooms
- Mining/motor control centres
- Museums
- Offshore facilities
- Power generation facilities
- Refineries
- Subfloors
- Switchgear rooms
INERGEN iFLOW Valve Technology Design Criteria

Correct system design, installation and maintenance are fundamental to the safe and effective use of any gaseous Fire Extinguishing System. Furthermore, Fire System Products can assist fire systems integrators with these and many more particulars; contact us for details.
INERGEN iFLOW Technology Systems
Most fire gas system designs using INERGEN iFLOW Technology systems are Total Flooding. Consisting of a fixed supply of agent connected to a piping system with nozzles to direct the agent into an enclosed hazard. Moreover, Inert gas extinguishes fires by lowering the oxygen content below the level that supports combustion. In short, if the atmosphere’s oxygen content drops to a level below 15%, most ordinary combustibles will not burn.
The iFLOW horizontal check valve can minimise the complexity of the manifold and reduce installation time by connecting multiple cylinders “daisy-chain” into one port on the manifold.
INERGEN (IG-541) agent simultaneously reduces the oxygen concentration to ~12.5% in an enclosure and increases the carbon dioxide content to ~3%. Above all, correct and safe system design requires that the agent design concentration falls within a design window limiting the upper and lower oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations. IG-541 can be for used in occupied spaces when the design concentration falls within this window.
INERGEN (IG-541) has a density similar to that of air and doesn’t decompose when subjected to heat from a fire, thus avoiding hazardous breakdown products. However, as a fire burns, it consumes oxygen and results in harmful gases and particulates such as carbon monoxide increasing in the atmosphere within the protected space; this may result in oxygen levels below the design threshold. Therefore, for these reasons, designers require lots of information regarding the room’s use upon completion of the suppression system.
It is not permitted for changes to equipment, pipework, or nozzle positions to be made without the authority of the suppression system’s design engineer.
Discharge Noise
When discharged, the Sound Pressure of the inert gas suppression agent exiting the nozzles can cause noise loud enough to startle, but ordinarily insufficient to cause traumatic injury. Above all, this Sound Pressure can cause harm to physical storage mediums (HDD’s) within data centres/server rooms and other sensitive electronic equipment, causing potential loss of data that the system is designed to protect.
Although iFLOW valves can reduce this sound pressure, it is still considerable and should be addressed in areas where sound can adversely affect critical operations. Furthermore, FPAA has a paper on Acoustic solutions for Gaseous Systems that gets rather technical and should be read if you control these environments.

In Addition, Acoustic Nozzles are one of several factors that can reduce sound pressure to an acceptable level, which can reduce the risk of damage to sensitive equipment. Above all, obtain additional benefits by positioning of nozzles, optimising room acoustics, sound-absorbing materials in room construction, and installing sound-absorbing panels. Affective designs for any significant data storage facility should incorporate acoustic optimisations already, due to the importance of sound on HDD performance.
Under normal conditions, INERGEN will not reduce visibility in the protected enclosure. However, in a fire situation, where large amounts of smoke occur, the agent discharge will likely displace some of that smoke from the vicinity of the fire, which could reduce visibility in some circumstances.
60+ years of experience in the fire industry.
Our Team
The passionate design team at Fire Systems Products can provide you with a bespoke site-specific design solution that supports the mitigation of safety risks to our exacting standards. Furthermore, this process involves a consultative approach with our experts to evaluate the project to produce a final compliant design that exceeds requirements. We can provide compliant designs for either Australian Standards or ISO Standards.
We have specified, designed, and commissioned high-quality gas fire suppression protection for many major institutions and commercial operations throughout Australia through our industry partners, complying with our duties as a designer under the Regulations.
With 60+ years combined fire industry experience, our team provide proven gas suppression designs, and focused value-added engineering solutions. Furthermore, Fire Systems products has fostered strong relationships with leading manufacturers and industry partners, meaning that our system designers regularly receive the latest product information and training to enhance their level of expertise and the quality of our work.
Information Required for Gas Suppression System Design:
- Room Dimensions (Room Volume)
- Set of plans (to scale)
- Fire Panel Type and location
- Gas Suppression Cylinders location
- Pressure relief damper location
- Access requirements (steps, hoist, etc.)
- Underfloor protection
- Ceiling void protection
- Site location
- Site photos
- Ceiling type
- Wall type
- Type of Assets protected
- Computer Rooms
- Subfloors
- Data Centres
- Telecommunications
- Museums
- Libraries
- Archives
- Machinery Spaces
- Switchgear
- etc
Limitations of Gaseous Fire Suppression Systems
When designing any Fire Suppression system, it is essential to understand its limitations. Gaseous fire suppression systems cannot protect:
- Chemicals that contain their own supply of oxygen. For example, cellulose nitrate is used in gunpowder, nail polish and lacquer finishes.
- Mixtures containing oxidising chemicals. For example, sodium nitrate is used in fertilisers and explosives.
- Chemicals can undergo auto-thermal decomposition, where a chemical decomposes if it reaches a specific temperature.
- Reactive metals, e.g. the elements sodium, potassium or magnesium.
- Areas where large surfaces are heated (not by fire) to a temperature that breaks down the chemical structure of the extinguishing agent. The agent is then unable to extinguish a fire.
Fire Systems Products is part of the HYGOOD authorised distributors network and provide factory-trained professionals to serve our customers requirements.