Clean Agent Gas Suppression
INERGEN® known also as IG-541 is a clean agent gas suppression system, that is non-toxic and non-corrosive. The inert gas fire suppressant agent consists of natural gases that extinguish a fire without causing harm to the environment and property.

INERGEN suppression is ideal for suppressing fires in special hazards where an electrically non-conductive medium is essential or desirable. Additionally, where clean-up of other agents presents a problem, or where the risk occupied and requires a non-toxic agent.
When professionally designed, installed, and maintained, an INERGEN fire suppression system will suppress surface burning fires in Class A, B, C and E hazards. By lowering the oxygen content below the level that supports combustion. An inert system will reduce the oxygen content within a protected space from 20.9% to approximately 12.5%. At the same time, increasing the carbon dioxide content from 0.03% to around 3.0%, allowing people to breathe more effectively.
Improvements of INERGEN
INERGEN or IG-541 is considered superior to IG-100, IG-55 and other inert gasses as they do not contain CO2. When discharged into a room, INERGEN raises the final design concentration of Carbon Dioxide. This increase in CO2 content to ~3% increases an individual’s respiration rate, depth of breathing and the body’s ability to absorb oxygen, thus allowing people to breathe more effectively in a reduced oxygen atmosphere.
Because INERGEN contains naturally occurring gases, after discharge, the gases dissipate, without changing state, back into the atmosphere, causing zero environmental impact.

INERGEN IG-541 Valve Types and Configurations

The CV90 valve was the first valve for Inergen, and it used a 73327 HF Electric Actuator and 70846 Manual Lever Actuator.
Then CV98 Valve was made for Inergen which used the 423684 CV98 Actuator. To operate, the 423684 actuators are paired with a 423958 Replaceable Metron Protractor, which is only one-shot and non-resettable. Meaning this part had to be replaced every time the system was discharged.
Multiple Manual Lever Actuators suit the 423684 CV98 Actuator, such as PN: 423309, PN: 427207 and PN: 423311.
Later on, the 428949 Booster Actuator was made which fits straight onto both the CV98 Valve and 73327 HF Electric Actuator and uses the same 70846 Manual Lever Actuator.
INERGEN Environmental Credentials
Introduced as an alternative to earlier gaseous fire suppression agents. INERGEN is a mixture of three naturally occurring gases that do not support combustion. INERGEN has zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP), zero Global Warming Potential (GWP). In addition, it doesn’t contribute unique chemical compounds with extended atmospheric lifetimes as other Gaseous Fire Suppression Agents can.
Visibility and Properties
INERGEN discharges as an invisible gas that doesn’t produce a fog. This allows people to safely exit a protected space without obscured vision in the escape routes from the suppression agent.
Under normal conditions, INERGEN is an odourless colourless gas with a density similar to that of air.
Applications for INERGEN IG-541
Gas suppression systems using INERGEN protect the following special hazard applications:
- Computer Rooms
- Subfloors
- Data Centres
- Telecommunications
- Normally occupied or unoccupied electronic area where equipment is either extremely sensitive or valuable
- Museums
- Libraries
- Archives
- Machinery Spaces
- Switchgear
Is INERGEN harmful to humans?
A correctly installed gas suppression system using INERGEN reduces the percentage of oxygen in the enclosure or room, smothering the fire. Simultaneously, allowing people to breathe easily as they evacuate the area.
Is INERGEN harmful to the environment?
When designed appropriately, INERGEN IG-541 is not harmful to the environment, as it is an inert gas fire suppressant consisting of gases naturally found in the atmosphere. These gases are not Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) or Synthetic Greenhouse Gases (SGG). Moreover, do not have Global Warming Potential (GWP) and doesn’t contribute unique chemical compounds with extended atmospheric lifetimes.
Is INERGEN harmful to equipment?
INERGEN IG-541 contains only naturally occurring inert gases. Therefore, it does not form any corrosive by-products that can damage equipment in server rooms, data centres, medical facilities, laboratories, or other sensitive electronic environments.
Is INERGEN harmful to humans?
A correctly installed gas suppression system using INERGEN reduces the percentage of oxygen in the enclosure or room, smothering the fire. Simultaneously, allowing people to breathe easily as they evacuate the area.
INERGEN consists only of naturally occurring gases found in the atmosphere, so it is safe for humans (under normal design concentrations). However, an incorrectly designed or maintained gas suppression system can be a dangerous. As the INERGEN gas agent mixes with air and reduces the oxygen content, people could lose consciousness, which is potentially life-threatening if oxygen reduction is too extensive. Therefore, the correct design of INERGEN IG-541 Gas Suppression Systems is critical.
INERGEN Fire Suppression System Simulation
Fire Systems Products is a Sydney based wholesaler and authorised distributor of INERGEN and other gaseous fire suppression systems and agents. In addition, we offer many gas suppression related services and products to support your fire system needs.
Illustration Credit: The Fire Tetrahedron is by Gustavb
INERGEN is a registered trademark of Johnson Controls.